MM 5/30/17
MICHAEL'S MEMO 5/30/17 Hello to everyone. This is the final instructional week of the year. I am extremely grateful for the progress made at JSA Magnet this year. I want to say Thank you to all of the teachers, students, support staff, stakeholders, and administration for the academic year of 2016 and 2017. We know that there is only 1 constant in life and that is change. Let's remember that as we approach our final week of instruction. We want to continually challenge our students within the classroom and their learning experiences here at JSA Magnet. Take this time to have your students engaged in fun activities that are tied to your standards and STEAM. We do not want to see us mailing it in during this final week. For those that are unfamiliar with the term that is a statement that deals with a half hearted effort towards something or in essence giving up. School is not over until June 2 for the students at 12:30 p.m. Lets' focus on changing our focus and ways to im...