Michaels' Memo 12/12/16
MM 12/12/16 First and foremost thank you for all of your hard work inside the classroom to ensure that all of our students are getting a quality education at JSA Magnet. I would also like to say I appreciate all of the teachers that ensure the safety of our students by doing a wonderful job performing their supervisory duties before, during, and after school. I know that we are winding down and about to head into the holidays and I would like to personally thank our entire staff at JSA for the wonderful job you do. Thank you for everything. We are going to focus on how we are monitoring student progress with formative, summative, and daily work data. Please take the time this week to establish a complete picture of your students and take time out to have a data chat on key areas as we go into the break. Our video is holiday themed and mirrors our quest to achieve our goal of student achievement (cookie) and the lengths we go through in order to reach it. ...