MM 12/5/16

MM 12/5/16
Good morning staff as we head into the winter break we would like to reflect and focus on the student progress. Please check the status of your students progress and look at ways to provide the reinforcement and practice needed to ensure success. We would like to preview the reading/math/science progress data of our students. Please do your best to have data chats with the students prior to the winter break. 

please focus on your student data and track the growth using the baseline information from the beginning of the year and the student progress displayed through grades, formative, and summative assessments throughout the year. Please reflect back upon the students FSA scores if available along with the most recent FAIR, STAR, IBTP, and quarter test data.


Mrs. Pruitt, 1st grade, using plickers to assess students in math and allowing immediate feedback and referencing different strategies to use to count. Instructor then modeling the information using thumbs up thumbs down and to the side. Students required to display a write a way to make a ten to solve use paper to show your work. Using tone to refocus students in the classroom, and using data to address the information. Classroom students providing information to solve problem while instructor provides key information. Effective use of feedback for information.  

Behavior Focus
Staff make sure that adults are following the rules of cell phones and electronic devices not being allowed out in your classrooms if you are not using the items to enhance learning. You may ask the students to put up the devices if that is your first step of discipline in the classroom. If the student continues to have the devices out, please buzz the front office for an administrator and continue teaching within your classroom. Please refrain from allowing a student to take over your classroom with a confrontation. We will deal with the issue when we arrive. 

Uniforms, please enforce the tucked in shirt rules in the classroom. All students should be able to tuck in their uniforms and it should be a part of your daily routine. Fine Arts instructors utilize the method of "Dance Ready" by having students stand up and bow, showing they are ready to learn. Standing by your doors as students enter provide you with the opportunity to have all students enter the room with their shirts tucked in and ready to go. 

All instructors need to be at their doors during class exchanges to provide supervision. The more adult presence we have, the less likelihood of disruptive behaviors that will occur. 

Calendar For the Week
Chess Tournament Dec. 3
Basketball Game 6:30 pm Dec. 5
Volleyball Game 6:30 pm Dec. 6
STEAM Night 6 to 7:30 pm Dec. 8
PAWS Choice Dress Day Dec. 9
Explorations V – 1st gr. 9 to 1:30 pm Dec. 9
PTA Family Movie Night 6:30 pm Dec. 9
Junior Thespians Haines City HS Dec. 10


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