Michaels' Memo 12/12/16

MM 12/12/16
First and foremost thank you for all of your hard work inside the classroom to ensure that all of our students are getting a quality education at JSA Magnet. I would also like to say I appreciate all of the teachers that ensure the safety of our students by doing a wonderful job performing their supervisory duties before, during, and after school. I know that we are winding down and about to head into the holidays and I would like to personally thank our entire staff at JSA for the wonderful job you do. Thank you for everything. 

We are going to focus on how we are monitoring student progress with formative, summative, and daily work data. Please take the time this week to establish a complete picture of your students and take time out to have a data chat on key areas as we go into the break. 

Our video is holiday themed and mirrors our quest to achieve our goal of student achievement (cookie) and the lengths we go through in order to reach it. 
P.S. Administration will have cookies in the break room for you tomorrow A.M. and we promise you will not have to go through this type of adventure to receive a cookie :). 

Educational Focus
Focus is the students having the opportunity to review student data and ensure that it is truly driving the daily instruction. Elementary, please review what information is being used for small group instruction and ensure that we are also meeting the needs of our higher level students. Middle school instructors please also review and look at the opportunity to utilize acceleration with our higher level students and ensure that you are utilizing a type of collaborative structure to meet the needs of our lower level students. 

Highlights for the Week
Shout out to Mrs. Brown, Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Reddick for organizing our most interactive STEAM night to date. All of the activity booths were filled and parents and students were very excited about the opportunity to create and apply the various task throughout the stations. The drone was a big hit and the airplanes were extremely interesting to see the varying designs used throughout the night. Please know that we appreciate all that every staff member does to make JSA great and get our name out into the public. 

Behavior Focus 

We want to continue to focus on student behavior ensuring that they are being respectful within the classroom and following instructions. Please continue to maintain your procedures within the class room. If you are having issues with students not being seated, getting started with work as soon as they walk inside the classroom, maintaining order, transitioning to different tasks, and maintaining instructional momentum. Please e-mail myself or an assistant principal to assist you in some research based strategies to assist you in maintaining a consistent instructional environment. 

Calendar for the Week

  • Basketball Game JSA v Westwood 6:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Dec 12
  • NJHS Meeting 3:15-3:45 pm Dec 12
  • SAC Meeting 7:30 a.m Dec 13
  • Faculty Meeting JSA Media Center 3:20 p.m. Dec. 13th
  • Service Learning Dance Field Trip Lake Howard Heights Dec 13
  • Chorus and Orchestra Concert 7 p.m. @ JSA Cafe' Dec 13
  • Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night 5 to 8 p.m. Dec 13
  • Elem. Arts Showcase 3rd grade 9 to 10 a.m. Dec 14
  • Band Concert 7 pm @ JSA Cafe' Dec 15
  • Elem. Arts Showcase 2nd grade 9 - 10 a.m. /1st 1:45-2:45 p.m. Dec 16
  • 3rd Grade to Rec Center 1:30-2:30 p.m. Dec 16
  • Winter Break Dec 19 thru Jan 2


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