MM 11/27/17
MM 11/27/17 Welcome back from the break staff. I hope that everyone was able to spend quality time with their loved ones. Secondly, it is imperative that we use the extended breaks to receive some much needed rest from the daily stress that working in education provides. Please make sure that you remember how important you are to the success of your students and that they need you here for them daily at school. Teacher attendance plays a huge role in the education of a student. Thank and let’s continue to forge ahead as we seek to regain our A status as a school. One Team, One Dream! Curriculum Updates We will begin conducting informals for the staff members upon returning from the break. Please make sure that your lessons are incorporating all of the domains out of the Journey system. Emphasis for the week will be on writing in response to learning. We should always provide the opportunity for students to write within the classrooms from vpk-8 grade levels. It is a very imp...