
Showing posts from December, 2017
Michael's Memo 12/17/17 The holiday season often brings about multiple emotions. As we embark upon the end of he first half of the year. Let me say that again, it's almost the end of the first half of the year. I would like for us to reflect on all of the positive gains that you have made within your classrooms. Academic achievements, social/emotional achievements of staff & students, growth in increasing classroom engagement, and all of the great things that we have implemented to make our students lives better. Please provide me with an e-mail stating at least one positive using specific details on your positive gain(s). This weeks video speaks on the greatness of celebrating small victories. Focus on various items that provide the successes.  Our GUTSY GOAL is 62% on all tested areas. (Reading, Math, Science, Lowest 25%, Learning Gains) (Civics, Algebra, Geometry 100%).  Curriculum Update We have several data points to reference as we move forward with ou...

MM 12417

MICHAEL'S MEMO 12/4/17 Points of emphasis for the week, please strongly encourage students to attend portfolio night tomorrow evening. It is imperative that we allow the students to showcase their learning and set goals with their parents or guardians here at JSA. We must convey the importance of this evening, so that we can continue to foster independent learners and a strong student body that is able to convey their learning to an audience. Importance of goal setting is the video for the week. Curriculum Update Starting this week all handouts must be approved by administration. Every activity must have the standard attached to each assignment. Administration understands the need to utilize handouts as a set of the learning process, however non standards based activities often seep into the daily lessons at an alarming rate when the practice goes unmonitored. We will also reinstate NO Worksheet Wednesdays as a means to attempt new innovative ideas and activities that wi...