Michael's Memo 12/17/17
The holiday season often brings about multiple emotions. As we embark upon the end of he first half of the year. Let me say that again, it's almost the end of the first half of the year. I would like for us to reflect on all of the positive gains that you have made within your classrooms. Academic achievements, social/emotional achievements of staff & students, growth in increasing classroom engagement, and all of the great things that we have implemented to make our students lives better. Please provide me with an e-mail stating at least one positive using specific details on your positive gain(s). This weeks video speaks on the greatness of celebrating small victories. Focus on various items that provide the successes.
Our GUTSY GOAL is 62% on all tested areas. (Reading, Math, Science, Lowest 25%, Learning Gains) (Civics, Algebra, Geometry 100%).
Curriculum Update
- We have several data points to reference as we move forward with our instruction. We would like for the instruction model to focus on student engagement.
- Domain 2c. Lesson Delivery and Engaging Students in Learning, description evidence exists that the teacher actively engages students in order to maximize instructional outcomes. Intellectual student engagement is often evident. Lesson delivery includes collaborative structures, distributive practice, and distributive summarizing. The lesson is paced to promote student learning.
Review the students in the lowest 25% to ensure that we are incorporating interventions to meet their needs and make sure that we are monitoring their progress.
- Plan for success, prepare lessons that address the needs of the high achieving students as well as how the instruction will be altered for students who do not grasp the content. Failing to plan is a plan to fail.
Wild Out Wednesdays are a great time to push the envelope and try that engaging lesson that you saw during the summer or the plan that you have always wanted to try. We seek to find opportunities to truly embrace being a STEAM school. Wednesdays is a perfect time to o so when we are making the effort to refrain from using handouts.
shout out to all of the ELA instructors visited on Friday. Members were very impressed with Mrs. Barnes writing instruction and gave it model classroom status on how to instruct writing. Students were permitted to peer edit their essays and identify specific areas needed to improve through peer editing process with a rubric to guide the students thoughts. Huge thanks to Mrs. Wilcox and Mr. Van Druten for putting on a wonderful show for winter Chorus and Strings concert.
- Extremely important to update marks on cards/system. Students are receiving marks electronically, but we are not marking the actual card. It is very difficult to provide discipline to a student when the parent is unaware of the students current status with JAC Card marks.
- Closely monitor electronic devices on campus. Students should only utilize devices when instructed by their current teacher to do so.
- Keep an eye out during class changes, urge students to move on to the next class.
- Please make sure that we are treating all of the students equally, when it comes to discipline. Refrain from playing favorites, an infraction for one is an infraction for all.
- Keep the cash flowing, please remember to pass out JAG Bucks to the students for positive behavior.
- STEAM NIGHT 5 - 6:30, 12/18/17
- Testing Coordinator Training 8-3:30 12/18/17
- NJHS Meeting 3:15 - 4:00 12/18/17 Media Center
- Collaborative Planning 8 - 3:00 12/19/17
- Band Concert 7 - 9:00 p.m. 12/19/17 JSA Cafe
- Marzano Training Reading Coach 8 - 3:30 p.m. 12/20/17
- Ugly Sweater/Jeans for $1 12/20/17
- Leadership Team Meeting 3:20 - 4:10 Teacher workroom 12/20/17
- Choice Dress Day JAC Card/PAWS 12/21/17
- Field Trip 3rd grade Rec Center 2:00 p.m.
- Christmas Break December 22 - Jan 3
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