MM 12417


Points of emphasis for the week, please strongly encourage students to attend portfolio night tomorrow evening. It is imperative that we allow the students to showcase their learning and set goals with their parents or guardians here at JSA. We must convey the importance of this evening, so that we can continue to foster independent learners and a strong student body that is able to convey their learning to an audience. Importance of goal setting is the video for the week.

Curriculum Update

Starting this week all handouts must be approved by administration. Every activity must have the standard attached to each assignment. Administration understands the need to utilize handouts as a set of the learning process, however non standards based activities often seep into the daily lessons at an alarming rate when the practice goes unmonitored.

We will also reinstate NO Worksheet Wednesdays as a means to attempt new innovative ideas and activities that will allow our students the opportunity to write within the academic setting.

Informals have begun by administration and we will come around and make sure everyone has the opportunity to showcase their instructional acumen.

Shout Outs

Shout out to Mrs. Parker in 6th grade for implementing flip grid with her students and stretching the rubber band if her classes to feel as if we got to do nothing, by being allowed to utilize devices and record messages on the curriculum topics and expand their knowledge of history.

A huge thanks to all of the grade levels that have exhibited a growth in AR points over the past week.

Shout out to 5th grade who increased their STAR proficiency by 20% or more on the most recent assessment.


It is imperative that we continue to distribute JAG bucks to the students and focus on what is going EIGHT in the classrooms. We all have students that can be celebrated within the classroom for their tireless efforts of always being polite, raising their hands to speak, assisting others with their work, showing a willingness to stand up for others appropriately, etc. We want the students to be able to shop at the school store weekly. As a staff member this is a key time in the year to continue to keep up the classroom culture and provide opportunities for positive achievements in the room and on campus to be highlighted.

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