MM 5/21/18
Michael's Memo 5/21/18 Good evening, we embark on our final week of school. I want to say thank you to everyone that put their all into making JSA the greatest school in Polk County. I truly believe that our family is doing a great job and I want to thank everyone for all of the sacrifices made this year. Thank you for ensuring that our students had the opportunity to see a smiling and caring face daily, providing sound instruction daily, ensuring student safety throughout the day, and supporting the administration in our initiatives and programs. I want to reiterate the backpack rule. Students are allowed to have small bags that are the size of a sheet of paper. Traditional backpacks are not permitted. Administration will do their very best to ensure all backpacks are identified prior to school beginning. If a student comes with a backpack to class, buzz the office and we will come and pick up their bags. Shout Outs!! Thank you to Mrs. Huyhn, Mrs. Holbert, ...