MM 5/21/18
Michael's Memo 5/21/18
Good evening, we embark on our final week of school. I want to say thank you to everyone that put their all into making JSA the greatest school in Polk County. I truly believe that our family is doing a great job and I want to thank everyone for all of the sacrifices made this year. Thank you for ensuring that our students had the opportunity to see a smiling and caring face daily, providing sound instruction daily, ensuring student safety throughout the day, and supporting the administration in our initiatives and programs.
I want to reiterate the backpack rule. Students are allowed to have small bags that are the size of a sheet of paper. Traditional backpacks are not permitted. Administration will do their very best to ensure all backpacks are identified prior to school beginning. If a student comes with a backpack to class, buzz the office and we will come and pick up their bags.
Shout Outs!!
Thank you to Mrs. Huyhn, Mrs. Holbert, Mrs. Tillinger, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Louis, and Mrs. Dean for all of their hardwork to make our 1st annual sports banquet a a success. We had a full house and the speaker was excellent Mr. Crawford.
Debbie Price, Joy Currier, and Diann Wells, thank you for your service to students and putting in over 90 years of service to Polk County Schools. We will miss you and may you be successful in all of your future endeavors. We are always looking for volunteers!!!
Behavior Updates
EVERYONE is on DUTY for the final 3.5 days before and after school.
AM Cafe, Elementary buses, Middle School PE area, Buildings across campus, Cafe
PM Middle School buses, Elementary buses, Car Rider area outside/inside.
Curriculum Updates
Please make sure we are continuing to provide instruction within the classroom
3rd grade ISIP will be conducted, please see Mrs. Reddick and Gainey if you have any issues.
Lesson plans and grades must be current and updated for the entire year.
Refrain from students leaving classrooms unless absolutely necessary. Student learning is effected when students are outside of the classroom. Continue to provide STEAM opportunities and arts integration within the lessons.
Readers' Workshop training is still available, see Mrs. Sweet for details.
Readers' Workshop training is still available, see Mrs. Sweet for details.
Summer Learning information will be dispersed at the end of the week as well.
End of Year
EOY Check off information will be sent electronically and administrators will sign off on all rooms.
Celebrations will be conducted in classrooms on Wednesday.
We will have a faculty meeting at 8:30 am on Friday.
Monday, 5/21/18, Awards Ceremony 1st - 7th 6 p.m. elementary (1-4) & 7 p.m. middle (6 & 7th)
Students should have received their invitations last week from instructors.
Tuesday 5/22/18, 8th Grade Celebration @ NE Recreation Center 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday 5/23/18, 5th Grade Celebration @ NE Recreation Center 9 - 2:30 p.m.
Thursday 5/24/18, Early Release Day 12:30 p.m.
Friday 5/25/18,
Faculty Meeting 8:30 a.m.
Exit Meetings with Mr. Sears 9:15 - 3:30 p.m.
Equipment check off & classroom close out
Keys to Mrs. Thornhill
Grades Smith & Sweet
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