Michael's Memo vol. 2 8/29/16

Michael's Memo

Good evening staff, as we embark on our third week of school I would like for us to reflect on the baseline information that you have gathered on your students academically, socially, and ability to work with others. Please make sure that we are utilizing our C.H.A.M.P.S. models to monitor behavior and set your instructional expectations. The video for this week will focus setting routines utilizing C.H.A.M.P.S.

      Mrs. Barnes was utilizing the CHAMPS model to set instructional outcomes within the classroom. Student seating was conducive to collaboration by using four desk groupings throughout the classroom. Students were utilizing graphic organizers with color coding to define plot structure. Technology was used to enhance the lesson through modeling utilizing the document camera.
      Mrs. Gainey utilized the EDP process with students in the science lab. Students were working in groups of four to design an item to protect a city from a volcanoe and stop the volcanoe from erupting using a list of materials and volcanoe using baking soda, die and water. Students were then required to summarize their findings and adjustments if needed in the iPads.

C.H.A.M.P.S. Training and Diversity Training; please make sure that you bring your PLC folders and provide examples of your implementation within your classroom with academics, behavior, or, transitions. Diversity information will be provided at the PLC.


  • Bus driver breakfast 8:30 am 8/29/16
  • Summer Learning Celebration 2:15 - 3:00pm JSA Cafe'
  • Girls basketball practice 3 - 4:30pm 8/29/16
  • PTA PIZZA Meeting @ 6:30 pm in JSA Cafe' 8/30/16
  • PTA FUNDRAISER Kickoff (MS 8:30, k-2 9:00, 3-5 9:30)
  • Coffee with the Principal @ 8:30 8/31 
  • NUT Pass Sale 8/31/16 before school/lunch time
  • Back to School Social 9/2/16.


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