
Showing posts from January, 2017

MM 1/30/17

Michael's Memo 1/30/17 Good morning staff, as we embark upon the week please continue to keep the focus on your standards based instruction, formative assessments, and providing valuable authentic feedback that will permit your students to grow as learners to meet their maximum potential. Don't ever give up! Curriculum Focus Remember to focus on what the students CAN do and not what they CANNOT. Too often we focus on our shortcomings, instead of highlighting our positive traits. We must understand that several of our students are at different levels. We must continue to teach to the standard an input true remediation if we want to grow as a school with comprehension of our subject matter. Teachers that feel they need some guidance in the area can contact me via e-mail and we can set up some training for you to grow in your area of need. SPOT LIGHT FOR THE WEEK!!! Observation spotlight on Mrs. White working with math with HOT questions and providing students the pr...

MM 1/23/17

Michael's Memo 1/23/17 Good Evening, Hopefully everyone made it safe through the inclement weather we had in Polk County. As we move into the week I would like to continue focusing on standards based instruction and the importance of teaching to the standards within our classrooms daily. We do our students a grave disservice if we continue to let our fears be transferred to the students on what they are "able" to do versus challenging them and seeing what the outcome will be when provided the opportunity. I know that we see them all as our children but we can never experience the great feeling of watching them  achieve the accomplishment of flying if we never allow them to leave the nest. Our video for the week can be an excellent metaphor for instruction, it starts off fully dependent upon the instructor and eventually we become a facilitator of learning. Enjoy! Principal's Meeting Updates We will be focusing on the Polk County Strategic Plan that has outlin...

MM 1/17/17

MM 1/17/17 Good Afternoon, I apologize for the late notice for the Newsletter this week. We have just come off of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Holiday and I hope that everyone had an opportunity to reflect on their current teaching practices and our data that was reviewed by Mrs. Reddick during the Professional Learning Community last week. We are charged with many things in the field of education, but one of the greatest things that we are able to do for our students is to provide a model of forgiveness, fairness, grace, and consistency when it comes to instructing, disciplining, and providing knowledge to our students on a daily basis.  Educational Focus standards based instruction formative assessments, used to drive daily instruction reflective practices/goal setting with students Formal observations Behavioral Focus Consistent classroom routines that are clear and consistent with clear expectations, if you are in need of a review of C.H.A.M.P.S. ...

MM 1/9/17

MICHAEL'S MEMO 1/9/17 Good morning staff, welcome back on this chilly Monday morning. We are headed into the week and would like for everyone to focus on being the "best" you that you can be for yourself and for your students. Please remember that you make someone's day everyday as an instructor and are the highlight of their day. Please enjoy the video which is one of my mainstays in MM.    Educational Focus Please plan on focusing on formative assessments that are directly linked to your standards that are being covered within the classroom. We will start working on our Formal Observations and the sign up sheet will be out by the end of the week. Highlights of the Week I want to thank all of the staff members for a wonderful week back. I would like to commend Mr. Sanchez, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Dill, and Mrs. Corwith for the excellent job done with the Magnet Recruiting Fair hosted by JSA. I would also like to highlight our Foreman Mr. Richard Danley f...


MICHAEL'S' MEMO 1/3/17 Happy New Year and welcome back from the Christmas Break staff. I hope that everyone is well rested and has had the opportunity to recharge your batteries for the spring semester and stretch run. We know that we can only control the items that are within our realm of influence and cannot change the items outside of our control. As we embark upon the remainder of the year please focus in on the students, lessons, plans, assessments, standards, culture, climate, relationships, and classroom that you have the complete control over at JSA Magnet. Please review our video below to provide some food for thought on focusing on items that we can control.  Educational Focus Review the data for your lowest 30%, Highest 5%, & Middle Performing Students. Provide Formative Assessments and Summative Assessments that provide pertinent data to drive achievement. Magnet Rubrics for all grade levels and implementation providing data. Standards Based Inst...