MM 1/30/17
Michael's Memo 1/30/17
Good morning staff, as we embark upon the week please continue to keep the focus on your standards based instruction, formative assessments, and providing valuable authentic feedback that will permit your students to grow as learners to meet their maximum potential. Don't ever give up!
Curriculum Focus
Remember to focus on what the students CAN do and not what they CANNOT. Too often we focus on our shortcomings, instead of highlighting our positive traits. We must understand that several of our students are at different levels. We must continue to teach to the standard an input true remediation if we want to grow as a school with comprehension of our subject matter.
Teachers that feel they need some guidance in the area can contact me via e-mail and we can set up some training for you to grow in your area of need.
Observation spotlight on Mrs. White working with math with HOT questions and providing students the proper wait time to come up with the solutions using independent skills. Modifying instruction after giving proper wait time to multiple students to provide a graphic image to assist in stimulating thought within the classrooms. Students using vocabulary within the context to address the questions that are directly related to the standard posted on the board. Please congratulate her when you see her in the hallways today.
Curriculum Focus
Remember to focus on what the students CAN do and not what they CANNOT. Too often we focus on our shortcomings, instead of highlighting our positive traits. We must understand that several of our students are at different levels. We must continue to teach to the standard an input true remediation if we want to grow as a school with comprehension of our subject matter.
Teachers that feel they need some guidance in the area can contact me via e-mail and we can set up some training for you to grow in your area of need.
Observation spotlight on Mrs. White working with math with HOT questions and providing students the proper wait time to come up with the solutions using independent skills. Modifying instruction after giving proper wait time to multiple students to provide a graphic image to assist in stimulating thought within the classrooms. Students using vocabulary within the context to address the questions that are directly related to the standard posted on the board. Please congratulate her when you see her in the hallways today.
- A/B HONOR ROLL Celebration in Cafe with Gator Land Presentation 1/30/17
- Soccer Match Denison Stadium JSA v. McLaughlin Middle 6:30 & 7:30 p.m.
- SBLT Meeting in Teacher Workroom 3:20 - 4:10 p.m.
- PLC Thursday Teacher Workroom 2/2/16 (k-8)
- All County Orchestra Florida Southern College 2/3/17
- Guidance Training Friday JMPDC (Rhoda Out)
- Spirit Day Friday 2/3/17
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