MM 1/17/17
MM 1/17/17
Good Afternoon, I apologize for the late notice for the Newsletter this week. We have just come off of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Holiday and I hope that everyone had an opportunity to reflect on their current teaching practices and our data that was reviewed by Mrs. Reddick during the Professional Learning Community last week. We are charged with many things in the field of education, but one of the greatest things that we are able to do for our students is to provide a model of forgiveness, fairness, grace, and consistency when it comes to instructing, disciplining, and providing knowledge to our students on a daily basis.
Educational Focus
- standards based instruction
- formative assessments, used to drive daily instruction
- reflective practices/goal setting with students
- Formal observations
Behavioral Focus
- Consistent classroom routines that are clear and consistent with clear expectations, if you are in need of a review of C.H.A.M.P.S.
- Utilizing the agenda in all grade levels, especially k-5, please make sure that students in primary grades are writing in the agenda daily (k-2) recording their P.A.W.S. and daily work.
- Electronic devices should not be out without YOUR permission, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Weekly Calendar
- 1/18/17 Faculty Meeting JSA Cafe 3:30 p.m.
- 1/18/17 Unpacking Standards
- 1/18/17 Leadership Team Meeting @ 3:20 p.m. Teacher Workroom
- 1/18/17 T.O.Y. and SPARK dinner banquet @ Lakeland Civic Center @ 7:00 p.m.
- 1/19/17 PLC Teacher Workroom 8:00 - 3:00 p.m.
- 1/20/17 Busch Gardens Field Trip
- 1/20/17 AP Meeting @ JMPDC 8 - 12:00 p.m.
thank you for the insightful feedback Mrs. Ingram.