Happy New Year and welcome back from the Christmas Break staff. I hope that everyone is well rested and has had the opportunity to recharge your batteries for the spring semester and stretch run. We know that we can only control the items that are within our realm of influence and cannot change the items outside of our control. As we embark upon the remainder of the year please focus in on the students, lessons, plans, assessments, standards, culture, climate, relationships, and classroom that you have the complete control over at JSA Magnet. Please review our video below to provide some food for thought on focusing on items that we can control. 

Educational Focus
  • Review the data for your lowest 30%, Highest 5%, & Middle Performing Students.
  • Provide Formative Assessments and Summative Assessments that provide pertinent data to drive achievement.
  • Magnet Rubrics for all grade levels and implementation providing data.
  • Standards Based Instruction Daily.
  • Bell to Bell instruction within the classroom.

Please be sure that we are attentive to our colleagues needs by assisting them in instruction, planning, and excelling here at JSA Magnet.

Please remember our influence we have on our students. Please provide a reflection e-mail to me on how you will shift the methods within your classroom from focusing in on the goal and how you are going to accomplish it in a specific area Writing, Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, ITV, Fab Lab, Art, Music, Dance, and P.E.


  1. I found the video to be quite interesting.

  2. Writing Goal: meet and exceed FSA Writing requirements

    Shift: Break down writing into manageable and controllable parts. Daily work to change our attitude about writing by changing our words (ex: UGH!! to "Yay writing"). Words have power to effect how we think, feel, act.

    1. Honest conversation with students on the real life importance of being able to communicate effectively in writing.
    2. Break down each of the writing parts (prompt dissection, planning, etc.) and change the variables to identify which part is getting in the way of our performing to our ability.
    3. Daily celebrate our successes to increase our confidence and encourage us to continue to improve.

  3. Jana Ingram:
    My students will set life goals for themselves, and then we will discuss realistic steps that have to be taken to meet their goals. What are their behaviors, attitudes that will help them meet their goals. Finally, they must think about plan B.

  4. Daily goal: Model Model Model for my students exactly what I want to see, hear, and receive as an end product. Control what I can control and give options for students to make good choices for what they can control. Focus on making each day the best it can be instead of dwelling on the big goals set for the year.


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