MM 3/6/17


     HUGE Thank You to Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Reynolds. The show was awesome this weekend and we had in attendance the highest number of high ranking PCSB officials since my arrival in 2013. The finale had standing room only and we had to gather seats from the surrounding classrooms to accommodate the crowds. I also would like to say thank you to the wonderful staff members that came out to support the students at the production. It means a lot when the kids look out in the crowd and see staff members and Administrators in the audience taking time out of their personal schedules to support our student activities.  
      The students were magnificent from the costumes, lighting, set design, performance, stage presence, timing, etc. I am very thankful for the growth the Theatre department has displayed in utilizing resources to enhance the performances here at JSA Magnet. I would also like to thank Mrs. Wilcox for her contributions to the vocals of the play. The Fine Arts Departments interpersonal relationships really shine in each of the productions put on by our various areas of study here at JSA Magnet.

Our performance was an excellent example of the diverse personalities we have on our campus and made me think about the power of belief. Our reflective video for the week deals with how we can overcome obstacles with self belief.

Academic Focus
Please ensure that we are providing the students with a learning environment that possesses each of the following factors:
A) standards based: standards should be posted at all times along with the LEQ or I Can statement..
B) engaging activity, refrain for handouts being the primary means of instruction within the classroom, students are able to write, provide graphs, pictures, models, graphic organizers, etc.
C) structure: routines for materials, restroom, responses, volume levels, acceptable comments, movement, timed activities, should all be clearly outlined and understood at this point in the year. If your students are not aware or are struggling with these items, we will provide reflection questions and follow up activities to assist you with improving in this area.
D) PRAISE, please don't forget to provide the positive comments for ah ha moments, being courteous, following directions properly, transitioning smoothly, and adhering to classroom policies in general.

I have heard many encouraging words about the start of the testing season with our writing this week. Good work everyone!

Sticky Standards / Not too sticky, but some pointers.

U4/W4 for 1st Map dates: March 7-13
1st is introducing RL.2.6: Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text. You should hear language about a narrator or character “speaking.” You may hear the terminology outside/inside speakers. We wouldnot expect 1st graders to determine 1st and 3rd person point of view (That’s 4th RL.2.6). This is the foundation level for determining point of view, so you may hear discussion of the speaker’s feelings about an event or topic.

U4/W5 for 2nd-5th Map dates: March 7-13
2nd-5th are doing RL.1.2: central message (2-3) or theme (4-5) with poetry. There is an expectation in 4th and 5th to conclude with a summary. A summary in literature includes the theme and key details that reveal the theme.

Third through fifth grade should be working to DOK levels 2 if on pace with modules and second semester at a glance. As you visit classrooms students should be in the “application” level of taxonomy. Third: measurement and graphing, Fourth: symmetry and classifying 2 dimensional shapes, Fifth: represent real world problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of a plane.
SCIENCE: Message from Dr. Speake (please refer to email sent on March 2)
We are excited to announce the final installment of the MSP Summer Institute, June 12 – 22, 2017 at Kathleen High School for grades 3-8 science and mathematics teachers! 
We need your assistance in recruiting elementary and middle school science and mathematics teachers to participate in this STEM-integrative professional development.  Our goal is to target those teachers who demonstrate math and/or science content deficits but all are welcome to apply.   
To facilitate future cross-curricular collaboration on your campus, we suggest that you submit the names of one (1) math and one (1) science teacher to attend. 

Miscellaneous: Volunteer of the Year forms due by March 31st.

Behavior Focus
Students should be in dress code at all times, and dress code checks must be included within your daily routine. Middle School instructors must be sure to check uniform tops. One of the new items that have began to transpire are students wearing non uniform tops and keeping their jackets zipped up to hide the fact. Please make sure each period we are checking dress code to avoid this from transpiring. Students arriving from PE should be in uniform, unless coaches are absent. Make sure that marks on the JAC Card also are transferred onto the electronic system to maintain balance. Referring back to Academic Focus will enhance behavior control by looking at routine guidelines.

Calendar 4 The Week
  • Soccer, JAM v JSA @ Lake Region HS  6:30 & 7:30 p.m. final game of the season 3/7/17
  • STEAM Planning 6th Grade 3/8/17
  • 5th Grade Assembly Bullying Activity 3/8/17
  • STEAM Planning 7th Grade 3/9/17
  • All County Dance Festival Davenport School of the Arts 3/11/17
  • Band MPA Winter Haven HS 3/11/17 10 - 1 p.m.
  • Chess Championship 3/11/17 


  1. Video was informative.

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin


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