MM 4/16/18
Good morning, I would like to say thank you to all of our staff for all of the hard work put forth in each grade level to prepare our students for the assessment season. Everyone places a hand and has a level of influence on the outcomes of all of our students. We continue our journey with FSA starting today for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. Please stop by the 5th grade hallway and breakfast to encourage our students for their FSA testing. It's important that we stay positive and build up our students and serve as their cheerleaders. Build up students' self confidence through your instructional practices allowing the students the opportunity to believe in themselves to accomplish any goal. Relax, take a deep breathe, and teach like your life depended upon it for the remainder of the year.
Curriculum Update
We will focus on covering the proper items in Math and Science.
Ensure that all modules / standards have been taught prior to testing. Is the reteach plan reassessing for mastery?
Please be diligent in using recent Gut Check (Q3 science) to remediate week science standards.
Best possible path to increasing points is to use the Gut Check to review standards that students did not perform satisfactorily. Ensure that all standards have been taught, including tested standards that were only taught in third and fourth. Review! Review! Review.
Continue using text based evidence when composing goals and working on task. Please work bell to bell in the classroom using information.
Shout Outs!!!
Great working bell to bell in Mrs. Parkers' Reading class last week. Excellent hands on assignments in Mrs. Turners' classes with OZO bots. Keep up the great work at JSA!!!
Shout out to Horace Mann for coming through with the flap jacks!!!!
Behavioral Expectations
Inspect what you expect, attempt to highlight positive behavior as often as possible to curtail negative behaviors. Track how the students that are off task react.
Keep a close eye on electronics, uniform jackets, and tucked in shirts.
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