MM 1/28/18 Good evening, we completed another fulfilling week with fine arts showcase, instruction, community visitors, Honor Roll assemblies, discipline and behavior expectations with Officer Bradley, and Literacy Celebrations in multiple classrooms. We want everyone to continue to provide examples of all of your great work to showcase on our social media forums. We want to continue to show the excellent work that is going on at JSA. Our focus as we go into the week is to continue to meet our students needs. I want to commend everyone that came prepared to the MTSS monthly meeting. The ability to discuss the growth presented in the students data and make sure that we provide all of the proper services for our students does not go unmissed by the MTSS committee headed by Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Tillinger. We will continue to try and provide the proper combination to unlock every students' potential at JSA Magnet. The video today may focus on ethnic differences, but I would challenge...