Michael's Memo 4/23/18

MM 4/23/18

Good morning staff, Let’s continue the journey of learning by ensuring that we are maximizing classroom instructional time with data based instruction. Utilize your formative assessments to tier student workloads. Advanced with more advanced assignments, not longer or more problems. Reduction with specific work to address the deficiency. Let’s make sure we are providing the proper care to our patients.

Curriculum Update
MTSS meeting this Thursday, please update your information in GOOGLE Classroom.
Active facilitating and learning should take place in every classroom.
Literacy Night is Tuesday 4/24/18 3:30-5:30 come out and enjoy!
Interim are Tuesday, grades must be updated in order to reflect proper progress.

Shout Outs!!!
Mrs. Barnes for highlighting the great work of our students and staff members for philanthropy and teaching civic duties to our kids to help out others who are less fortunate. Articles are in the ledger and for Baynews 9. Shout out to Mr. Lew doing great labs in Science, owl pellets. Good work to Mrs. Parker and Ms. Richard in middle school for hands on writing activities and utilizing audio visuals to reinforce learning.

Behavioral Update
All jackets should be uniform jackets this week.
Check for proper bottoms: students should not be in PE attire and shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Please make sure to step out of your doors during class dismissal. Supervision is key as we close out the year.
Electronic devices must be put away during class time. Exception if instructor is allowing students to use devices for school work purposes, only. 

Important Dates
FSA Testing 7th Reading 4/23/18, 6th Grade Math 4/24 & 4/25, 8th Grade ELA 4/26 & 4/27
Literacy Fair Tuesday, 4/24/18
PLC Thursday, 4/16/18
Friday Spirit Shirt Day


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