MM 8/28/17

MM 8/28/17
Good morning staff, I want to thank everyone who made our first staff picnic possible from the past weekend. It was great to see all of the smiling faces and interaction with the JSA staff. We had a wonderful time socializing and flying down slides, playing corn hole game, and listening to some good times. The event was the first of several planned culture building events for the year.  
As we set out for the week, please make sure that we are following our learning maps and close to our pacing guides. We will begin to leave coaching forms in the classrooms and provide feedback on lessons. Our video from this week’s focuses on the use of teamwork to achieve a goal.

Academic Update 
We must make sure that all of the STAR and  Writing Essays have been scored by August 31st. 
  • Daily Schedules Posted in All Rooms (including small group times)
  • AR Tracking Visible in All Classrooms (charts, visuals, etc.)
  • Please complete your self- evaluation and begin narrowing the focus for your Deliberate Practice.
  • Have you printed (or created a quick link on your device) to use the “At a Glance” standards document when you are completing your walkthroughs? It is located in SharePoint – Communication – “At A Glance”
  • Hispanic Heritage Month: a page has been created in SharePoint with information on Governor’s Scott’s contest as well as activities and lesson ideas you can use at your sites. Please visit the site to access the flyers and other information you may use. Please contact your ESOL TRST or the ESOL Department for assistance in organizing activities.
  • Please be on the lookout for an email that will give information on LSI Leadership Coaching Session. This will occur in October at 5 schools in our region. This session is for principals only. Leadership Coaching is an on-site coaching session where the LSI consultant facilitates the examination of artifacts, data analysis, classroom observation and feedback to strengthen the implementation of the Essentials for Achieving Rigor. You are going to love this-I promise!
Performance Matters
  • Time to identify Lowest 25% in ELA and Math! Realizing that Heather posted this for schools last year, we have now have Performance Matters to assist schools with early identification of the Lowest 25%.
  • Use the FSA data in PM to export the 4th grade ELA scores and Math scores. Rank data to determine for the lowest 25%. Do the same for 5th grade. All repeaters in third should also be ranked for lowest 25%.
  • Each school should have the lowest 25% in 4th grade ELA and Math identified, as well a 5th ELA and Math. These are by grade level and by content.
  • This should be a working file to diagnose, intervene and evaluate progress of these students.
  • Every teacher should know the students in his/her classroom who is in the lowest 25%. If gains occur for the lowest 25%, you will also get points for overall Learning Gains in that content.
  • The state files will “start” the process of identifying the lowest 25% during Survey 2 FTE week in October. Schools should identify students in the lowest 25% no later than Sept. 1 and have strategies, plans etc. in place to monitor implementation of double dosing for closing the gaps.
  • How did Star Reading and Math align to prior year FSA? Student small groups should be identified using Star data with strategies to remediate deficiencies.
  • Identify the ESE students for grades 3, 4 and 5. How many students in the ESE subgroup are in the lowest 25%?
  • Identify students who scored in high Level 2 range. With diagnostic interventions targeting skills and interventions, these students will definitely move. They will count as a Learning Gain and a Proficiency as they move to a Level 3.
  • Please note attachment with Watson Small Groups-already in place! Awesome work.
Sticky Standards
1st Gr: U1W1
Continuing RL.1.1 from Start Smart. Students need to differentiate key from minor details and understand the connection between the questions asked and the answers found within the text.

2nd Gr: U1W2
Introducing LAFS.2.RL.1.3.   Reading Wonders focuses on Character-Setting-Events, so tasks and questioning need to be added for students to describe how characters respond to major events and challenges. Also introducing LAFS.2.RL.3.7 so tasks and questioning need to include students using information from illustrations and words to demonstrate understanding of characters, setting, or plot.

3rd Gr:
Continuing RL.1.3 as well as introducing LAFS.3.RL.3.7. Tasks and questioning need to be added some time during the week for students to explain how specific aspects of illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting).

4th and 5th Gr:
Continuing RL.1.3 as well as introducing LAFS.4.RL.2.5. Tasks and questioning need to be added some time during the week for students to demonstrate an understanding of narrative structure for realistic fiction. 4th will explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose. 5th will explain how a series of scenes fit together to provide the overall structure.

  • All classrooms should post math number lines according to content limits. Please note picture of time lines posted in third grade classrooms at Churchwell. All teachers have the number lines posted in hundreds. Students were working on rounding and the laminated number lines were powerful tools for students to use when investigating numeracy.

Conditions for Learning:
  • Using engagement strategies when students are not engaged
  • Establishing and maintaining effective relationships
  • Communicating high expectations for all students
Classroom reminder, please revert that we must value our classroom instructional time and task need to be grade appropriate. Students should not be in class cutting and pasting unless it is grade appropriate. The recommendation of administration is o have the items s sent to front office or classroom volunteers to cut ahead of time so that t students can focus on learning in the classroom. 

Shout out 4 the week 
Great work being showcased by Mrs. Smith working on odd and even numbers and displaying numbers using tens and ones with manipulative a within the classroom. Sydney’s were able to display learning and showcase skills within the classroom. Second shout-out goes to kindergarten where students were working on location of above below besides and inside, students were using smart board to identify the location and had manipulative s and were able to have the classroom follow their lead using smart board. 

Behaviour Update 
Please make sure that we are marking cards on the online system as well as in the actual JAC cards. The first week of the JSA Jag bucks  store was a huge hit. Please keep encouraging students and passing out the Jag bucks to students for good behavior and reward examples of good character. 
Please make sure that we are not allowed nonuniform jackets at all grade levels and enforcing the dress code policy. 

PLCs will be held on Wednesday of this week instead of Thursdays to review our baseline data and discuss next steps. 

  • Monday PTA Pizza Night @ JSA Café 6-7 pm 
  • Tuesday fundraiser kickoff PTA in JSA Café elementary 8:30-9:20am & middle school 9:40-10:20am. 
  • Tuesday STEAM unit planning, girls basketball at JAM v. MMS 6:30, please come out and support the ladies in their first contest.
  • Tech Tuesdays @ Green Dragon classroom. 
  • Wednesday PLC in teacher workroom (all grade levels) 
  • Thursday Free Planning
  • Friday, Summer Learning Celebration 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. 


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