MM 5/9/16

MM 5/9/16

Good Morning JSA family, as we embark on this week I would like to have the quote below be our guide for our initiatives and learning focus for the week:


Please provide a written response to how you achieve this within your classroom with an example of modification that you have used to improve your instructional delivery. You may do so by via e-mail to me or post a response to the article.

Important Dates:
Arts Integration Showcase 2nd & 3rd grade 5/9/16
SAC Committee Meeting 5/10/16
SSSYR Contest 5/10/16
Faculty Meeting 5/10/16
Unit Planning 5/11/16
Gifted Transitions 5/12/16
2nd grade Field Trip 5/13/16

Video for the week:


  1. I use formative assessment throughout instruction to help improve my instruction. Checking in with small groups by asking questions during the exploration phase and explanation phase of instruction lets me know where we are at as a class and as individual students regarding acquisition of learning goals for the day. This guides whether or not I will continue with our lesson or take a time out and either address re-teaching in a small group or whole class.

  2. One way I include this quote/idea in my regular reflection on teaching is when I am using the same lesson for multiple classes – after I teach the lesson the first time I adjust things that didn’t go as expected or include ideas I discovered as the kids did their work and by time the 4th class comes along I have worked out little things and have a more refined lesson as I move forward.

    1. I have to agree with you ... the 3rd or 4th time doing the lesson you have honed it down ... much like a comic practicing his/her jokes before the real show. Removing the "duds" and making it better.

  3. Learning is something I do on a continual basis. it is in the desire to learn more about learning and how students learn that I push toward excellence. Taking time to reflect on my craft and how I can personally improve helps me to be a better model for my students. How could I ask them to push for excellence if I am ok with "good enough"?


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