MM 41017

Michael's Memo 4/10/17

Good morning as we embark on the Reading FSA ELA journey please make sure that the other students surrounding the classrooms are quiet and on task. The investment of our hard work is about to come to fruition with our students' showing what they have learned this year. Please remember to check for electronics and that all items are turned into you and turned off. Reflecting on our classroom policies, set up and structure, please look and see what perspective we are using to drive instruction. Our video today provides an example of how student centered teaching can transform the learning environment.

Learning Focus
Focus on utilizing technology within the classroom to enhance the instruction. I understand that we are testing two grade levels this week, however we do have the BYOD and several of our elementary classrooms have computer stations. Let's be innovative using the resources we have to enhance learning.

Behavior Focus
Thank you for your diligence in monitoring students during transitioning for middle school, and attending your duty positions before and after school. Please continue to monitor students behavior within the classroom, Students should be in uniform and electronic devices should be away, unless you have an activity that YOU have given them permission to utilize the devices in YOUR class. 

Builder’s Club      3:15-3:45 pm     April 10
Faculty Meeting       3:30 pm @ JSA Cafe 
Distribute Report Cards     April 11
Track Meet     @ Dennison Middle School Track     6:30 pm     April 11
JAC Choice Dress     April 13
Good Friday     No School     April 14


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