MM 4/24/17

MM 4/24/17

Good afternoon, I want to say thank you to the staff for all of your hard work that you have put forth this year to make our students successful. I know that we do not hear thank you enough in our profession, so I would like to make sure that you know that I GREATLY appreciate ALL you do to make JSA Magnet great. With these words in mind, please remember to provide our students with positive praise within the classroom. You will never know or understand the power of your words on a students' persona, psyche, and self worth. Please view our video that is on the topic of the power of positive psychology.

Highlights 4 The Week

Shout out to Mrs. Barnes 8th graders in Reading for having the highest performance with Achieve 3000 articles and earning 2 Gift Cards that were turned into rewards for the students. Mrs. Barnes went above and beyond by calling each of the parents of her students and relaying the positive information to our stakeholders giving them positive news to the families.

Way to go Mr. Vandruten by going above and beyond with having our students perform at the All County Guitar performance at Winter Haven Theatre. Mr. Vandruten received a positive compliment from our School Board member Sarah Beth Reynolds who provided the compliments that she has never been to a performance with such well mannered and responsible students who left the arena cleaner that it was prior to the performance. 

Academic Focus for the Week
Elementary instructors must make sure that running records have been completed for the final quarter.
Kindergarten, please focus on reading within the classroom independently and having students practice reading aloud.
Math & Science continue to follow learning modules and utilize assessment data to reteach.

Behavior Focus
Students must be in uniform at all times, please make sure that P. E. students are in uniform after leaving classroom. Upon entering your classroom they must dress back in immediately. 
Electronic devices should not be out unless the instructor has given permission to use the items. 

Instructors please make sure that you check the duty roster for your assignments. We have had some issues with staff members not showing up for their posts.

School Talent Show 4/24/17 @ 6 - 7:30 p.m. JSA Cafe 
Make up MS ELA Testing 4/24 & 4/25
Track Meet @ Denison Middle School 
4th & 5th Grade Math FSA 4/26 & 4/27
Coffee with the Principal 4/27/17 @ 8:30
Kindergarten Round Up 6 - 7 p.m. @ JSA Cafe 
Friday Spirit Day


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