Michael's Memo 2/5/18

Michael's Memo 2/5/18
Good evening JSA family, I want to thank everyone that pitched in on Friday to assist in duty responsibilities on Friday. I know that we only had one guidance counselor and one administrator in the office along with 2 TRST's, but everyone chipped in to keep everyone safe and get the kids transported off campus safely. We continue the countdown to FSA testing and I continue to see wonderful progress occurring in the areas of Math and ELA. Keep up the great work of using interventions, reteaching, utilizing small group instruction, tutoring, and practice exercises (both electronically and with paper based sources). I want everyone to know the if we all do our jobs to the best of our abilities, we will be successful and Achieve the gutsy goal of an A School. 
 Curriculum Focus
Reviewing our pacing maps, lets make sure that we are keeping up with the learning maps and we are teaching the full depth of the standards. Make sure that you are aligning tasks within the lesson to address the full extent of the standards. For example, if the standard requires students to examine two literary pieces and provide text based evidence to support a claim. Please make sure that the students are provided two articles or passages to use. I Can statements and Learning Objectives should address the lesson that is being taught within the classroom. 

Behavioral Focus 
KUDOS to all of the staff for really taking care of all of the issues with electronic devices within the classrooms. We are hoping that the devices rule is allowing instructors more focus out of our students within the classroom and minimizing distractions within the classroom setting. Remember to demand respect from your students. We love the relationship building going on within the classrooms. Make sure that you remember that you are the adult and leader within the classroom. Students will do what they feel they can get away with in the classroom. You set the tone, rules, culture, and climate within the classroom. 
JAG Bucks, JAG Bucks, JAG Bucks. Remember to give them out to your students. Please just don't load up your well behaved students with JAG Bucks, reward everyone for positive behavior, learning and actions that show compassion. 

Way to go Theatre Department on all students receiving medals and placing at this weeks Jr. Thespian Festival. Students will wear their medals and Jr. Thespian shirts tomorrow as a reward for their hard work. 
Shout out to Mrs. Corwith for taking over additional work with gifted students in 4th and 5th grade allowing them to continue their lessons within gifted. Shout out to 5th grade A Team for making it to the semifinals with Mrs. Delk and Mrs. Thornhill as coaches!!! Shout out to Paras Mrs. Louis and Mrs. Wells for continuing to cover classes that are lacking a sub, and continuing to provide us with quality supervision in the classrooms. Shout out to Mrs. Gainey who spoke at the PCSB Title I training for parent involvement highlighting our activities and use of business partners to help address parent needs. She also talked about the portfolio and interactive activities that really excited parents at the school site. Shout out to Mrs. Martin who had three students in her Intensive Reading grow over 150 points from the initial testing. and students have shown a minimum of 55 points growth from December. Awesome job by our staff!!

Testing coordinator Training 2/5/18
BMX bike show for Top Sellers 2/6/18 1:00 p.m.
Collaborative Planning 2/6/18, Grade chair classrooms
FOCUS Training Administration 2/6/18
SBLT Meeting 3:20 Teacher Conference Workroom 2/7/18
PLC Teacher Workroom ( K - 8) 2/8/18 
AP meeting 2/8/18
Spirit Day 2/9/18 (Wear Spirit T Shirts 


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