MM 2/19/18
Michael's Memo 2/19/18
Tomorrow we will have our staff focusing on unpacking standards. We will review the practices, tasks, assessments and plans to make sure that we have a set plan to address remediation, acceleration, and small group instruction.
Acceleration makes up 200 points of our school grades.
Algebra/Geometry students = 100 points and Civics = 100 points
Science cell = 174 students
Please make sure to have data chats and discuss the students current achievement level on progress monitoring and the importance of the upcoming assessment window.
Continue to ensure engaging lessons by providing students with multiple checks for understanding, small group instruction, and summarizing activity for each daily lesson.
Administration will have data chats with students from each grade level to ensure support of the instructors.
Behavioral Updates
It is imperative that we always report behaviors that are persistent and consistent issues within class.
Please make sure to continue to listen for any students making threats of violence. Unfortunately, we have students that do not understand the severity of making threats on a school campus.
We will continue to investigate each and every claim and keep our campus as safe as humanly possible.
Lets all make sure to keep the campus safe for our staff and students. All visitors should always be badged as well as substitutes.
Continue to keep the positive comments and praise to your students for behavioral, academic, and interpersonal achievements on the campus.
Great work to Mrs. Dean for setting up the schedule, arranging the information, providing the administrative team with instructors to observe. Thank you to all of the teachers that were observed on Friday: France, Delk, Boyce, Yemm, Williams, and Richard!!! Thank you for your bravery and openness exhibited by allowing our visitors to get a peek inside your instructional world.
Great work for Mrs. Sweet & Huyhn for handling numerous incidents on Friday as lead administrator and support.
Kudos to fine arts again for showcasing our schools' talent in the community!!!
Focus This Week
Stay the course for strong mathematical practices embedded in daily instruction. Strong student discourse and interaction should be happening daily.
As we move forward please know that there are review stations in Moodle provided by the science department. Classrooms should be using the review of the day and taking the 5 question test available in Moodle.
The Q3 test can be taken pencil paper if requested. We really need to move our needle on elementary science. Please stay diligent and inspect what we expect.
3rd reviews RI.1.3 for the second time. Learning targets for the week include: Identify the relationship between a series of historical events; Identify chronological order within a piece of text; Identify cause and effect within a piece of text; Describe the relationship between a series of historical events in a text, using appropriate language (time, sequence, cause/effect). For 3rdgrade only, this standard is very similar to RI.3.8. With 1.3, the focus is comprehending the information in different informative genres by understanding how details are related or affect one another. 3.8 is how the author connects ideas to support points. Tasks should be released to students with evidence of increased depth of student responses.
Unpacking Standards Subject Area 2/20/18
Shelter Training Off Campus (Sears) 2/20/18
TOY & SPARK Banquet 2/21/18 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Tier 3 Training Tillinger 2/21/18
Spirit Day 2/22/18
Spring Fling 2/22/18 Elementary & Middle
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