I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. If you decided to enjoy Pigfest, Super Bowl, family, outdoor activities, or quiet time at home or away. I would like for everyone going into the week to focus on the quality of assessments that we are providing for our students. We are entering into the FSA season within 22 days. Ask yourself the question of each activity, is this meeting the rigor of the standards, also am I assessing the standard correctly. Proper assessment, leads to proper adjustments in teaching, which ultimately leads to proper learning within your classroom. Feedback to the students are extremely useful in building up their knowledge in each of the areas. Administration will focus on feedback by conducting Rigor Walks together with various grade levels. (Focus on feedback practices to improve instruction).
Walk Through Highlight
I would like to highlight the learning going on in Mr. Van Drutens' classroom. Our new instructor has established procedures and routines within the classroom, allowing the students to focus on playing music. He is doing an effective job of reteaching portions of their selections using verbal, clapping, and musical cues to keep the students on pace. The students are exhibiting joy again within the strings classroom.
Behavioral Expectations
Students should always be held to the expectation of being respectful to their peers and their instructors.
Electronic devices should not be permitted out if YOU the instructor have not given them permission. (If an item needs to be confiscated that is for administration to handle, please buzz the front office)
Student active participation in learning is required, not optional. If a student is not working within your classroom, we need to contact parents and guidance initially to try and find the root of the inactivity.
Arrival on time to classes needs to be monitored closely and addressed throughout the day with the proper consequences of JAC Card.
Calendar 2/6/17
Chess Tournament Feb 4 Builder’s Club 3:15-3:45 pm Feb 6 Soccer Game 6:30 & 7:30 pm Feb 7 Spring Picture Day Feb 8 Focus on Education Breakfast PSC @ 8:00 a.m. (PTA & Principal) Jr. Thespians Competition Feb 9-11 Bright Smiles 1st Grade In Class Feb 10 PTA Family Rockin Bowl Feb 11
MICHAEL'S MEMO Good morning, I would like to say thank you to all of our staff for all of the hard work put forth in each grade level to prepare our students for the assessment season. Everyone places a hand and has a level of influence on the outcomes of all of our students. We continue our journey with FSA starting today for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. Please stop by the 5th grade hallway and breakfast to encourage our students for their FSA testing. It's important that we stay positive and build up our students and serve as their cheerleaders. Build up students' self confidence through your instructional practices allowing the students the opportunity to believe in themselves to accomplish any goal. Relax, take a deep breathe, and teach like your life depended upon it for the remainder of the year. Curriculum Update We will focus on covering the proper items in Math and Science. MATH: Ensure that all modules / standards have been taught prior to ...
Michael's Memo 5/21/18 Good evening, we embark on our final week of school. I want to say thank you to everyone that put their all into making JSA the greatest school in Polk County. I truly believe that our family is doing a great job and I want to thank everyone for all of the sacrifices made this year. Thank you for ensuring that our students had the opportunity to see a smiling and caring face daily, providing sound instruction daily, ensuring student safety throughout the day, and supporting the administration in our initiatives and programs. I want to reiterate the backpack rule. Students are allowed to have small bags that are the size of a sheet of paper. Traditional backpacks are not permitted. Administration will do their very best to ensure all backpacks are identified prior to school beginning. If a student comes with a backpack to class, buzz the office and we will come and pick up their bags. Shout Outs!! Thank you to Mrs. Huyhn, Mrs. Holbert, ...
MM 10/9/17 Good evening staff, I am so proud of the consistency of standards based instruction occurring on campus. We will continue to support the staff here at JSA. We want to continue to push our students with love, support, and high expectations. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. We will continue to push positive change and high expectations for our students at JSA. Our video focuses on embracing change. Academic Focus ELA: STICKY Standards: October 9-13 2-5 U2W1 2 nd is introducing RL.2.5 the structure of narrative text, not limited to identification of beginning-middle-end events. Instruction should include questioning and tasks about how authors introduce narratives, develop the plot, and conclude the action. 3 rd and 4 th are both introducing RL1.2. 3 rd has three targets : Recounting the text which requires retelling events in order and making inferences; determining a central message which is t...
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