MM 2/13/17
Good morningI would like to provide some data on discipline for our school breaking it down by at risk as identified in our EWS (Early Warning System) on IDEAS that tracks the information of student absences, discipline, grades, attendance, and test data. We will start to provide you with information on these areas to assist in creating interventions for our students and to work together to make sure we are doing our very best to work collaboratively to ensure that our data is accurate.
Attendance Data
83 Students with 10 or more absences Tier III
112 Students with 9 - 6 absences Tier II
282 Students with 5 - 2 absences Tier I
Disciplinary Data
7 Students on Tier III 6 or more referrals
94 Tier I with 3-1 referrals.
Highlight 4 The Week
I would like to say THANK YOU, to our Wonderful Guidance Department for putting on a magnificent college and career readiness week that culminated in an an excellent door decorating contest. Our winners of the pizza part were Mrs. Parkers' 3rd grade class and Mrs. Barnes' 8th grade door. Please see the pictures below.
Calendar of Events
- Spirit Night @ Chic Fil A 2/14/17
- SAC Meeting @ 7:30 a.m.
- Early Release Wednesday @ 2/15/17
- Valentines Day Dance 2/17/17 4 - 5:30 Elementary/ Middle 6 -7:30 p.m.
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