MM 2/20/17
Michael's Memo 2/20/17
Secondly, I would like to thank Mrs. Huyhn and NJHS for an excellent dance on Friday for our students and staff members. The students enjoyed the festivities and we actually had students dancing at the middle school dance, with the OPPOSITE sex, APPROPRIATELY :).
We have spoken of setting goals for our students with written goals, however this Ted Talks is showing that a great way to motivate change in humans is to utilize a picture to draw your goal. Think about it......
Teacher attendance is integral to student success, on last Friday we had 9 instructors absent on campus. I know that we have started reviewing data for student absences, but it is also important for staff members to do their very best to attend school daily to provide quality instruction for our students.
K-2 grades please make sure we are focusing on reading daily and following the Readers' Workshop script. Administration will conduct walk throughs throughout the week to observe our students in action.
Middle School classrooms focus on bell to bell instruction, classroom procedures C.H.A.M.P.S. if you currently are having students that are having issues remaining on task within the classroom setting. Mrs. Sitek is our C.H.A.M.P.S. lead at the school site.
I would like to say thanks to Mr. Van Druten for receiving Superiors at MPA for Orchestra. He has come in and shown leadership, strength, patience, resiliency, and compassion and his students have responded to his teaching. Thank you for working so hard to keep JSA Magnet in a positive light.
I would also like to thank Mrs. Barnes for being the 2nd best dancer at the Valentines Day Dance on Friday. She did however endure the elementary and Middle School Dances, while showcasing some pretty impressive moves during the MS dance, captured on camera of course!!! Thanks Mrs. Barnes for your support.
Highlight 4 The Week
I would also like to thank Mrs. Barnes for being the 2nd best dancer at the Valentines Day Dance on Friday. She did however endure the elementary and Middle School Dances, while showcasing some pretty impressive moves during the MS dance, captured on camera of course!!! Thanks Mrs. Barnes for your support.
Weekly Calendar
- Faculty Meeting @ 3:25 Media Center
- Soccer - Girls Only 6:30 pm Feb 21
- Coffee with Principal 8:30 to 9 am Feb 22
- Optimist Dinner 5th Grade Feb 23 @ 6 p.m.
- AP Meeting Feb 24th
- PAWS Choice Dress K thru 4 Feb 24
- PCSB History Fair Polk County Historical Museum 8 - 4 p.m.
- Band MPA Tenoroc High School Feb 25
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