MM 2/27/17
MM 2/27/17
Greetings staff, as we embark upon the first leg of our FSA journey with writing transpiring tomorrow. Please exhale and take a deep breath. Please go through and review your strategies and focus on small group discussions with feedback based upon the rubric. The students have prepared themselves for this moment and it is now time for them to shine. Do your best to not create an atmosphere of pressure as it pertains to FSA testing. Students pick up on adult tension and it transfers to the young ones and may have a negative outcome. I am thankful for the wonderful job I have viewed going on in all of the classrooms throughout the year. Now is the time to display a portion of the instruction that has gone on within our JSA classrooms.
STICKY STANDARDS Needing Closer Look:
3rd is introducing RI.1.3: how historical events, scientific ideas, or technical procedures develop and interact. The 3rd standard specifically mentions time, sequence, and cause/effect. With 1.3, the focus is comprehending information by understanding how details are related or affect one another. This is easily integrated with RI.3.8 which for 3rd is the connections of sentences and paragraphs to support points. Watch that the RW cause and effect organizer is not done as an isolated skill. Rather, there should be discussion and evidence that reflects how and why the author connects events, ideas, procedures. Example: How do the (cause and effect, chronological) relationships help the reader understand ___?
5th is reviewing RI.2.6. 5th graders analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic to compare the points of view they represent. This standard is integrated with RI.3.8, but is a direct focus this week. Watch for the use of at least two texts on the same topic. Watch for discussion and evidence that this standard goes beyond identification of author’s point of view of one text, to explaining how varying points of view affect different accounts (mood, word choice, details, examples used).
Thoughts to muse:
Also please note you may want to suggest teachers please review RL.1.3 after spring break week since we haven’t done that standard since the first of the year (U1 for 4th, U2 for 5th). They can go back and pick up skipped weeks after FSA.
MATH: Review second semester at a glance to determine pacing.
Here are some great FREE resources (Teacher Toolkits) from FLDOE to assist teachers in the following courses ([http://]
· 3rd Grade Science (PDF)
· 4th Grade Science (PDF)
· 5th Grade Science (PDF)
- Our Gifted Instructor utilized hands on application of chemical change and the EDP process within her classroom throughout the past week. The first project was creating bottle rockets and testing the theory using water, air pump, and PVC Pipe launcher. The students were able to make adjustments after initial design and launching to determine what were the leading factors to success or lack of success. The chemical change project was utilizing a photo canister, water, and alka seltzer tablet. The students were able to put their lab coats and goggles on and see chemical reactions and see the pressure pop the tops off of the bottles. Great Job Mrs. Clayton.
- Continued consistent focus on monitoring electronic devices. Please believe me, if you support the rules that the electronic devices need to be up during the instructional day and during class exchanges, it will curtail the issue.
- Please make sure that you are holding students accountable for tardiness. If you have a question, you may contact the previous teacher.
- Encourage students' positive behaviors in classroom, instead of focusing on the negative behaviors within your classroom.
- Address negative conversations and statements made within the classroom to support each of the students at the school site. Negative comments towards others are not to be tolerated within the school setting.
- FSA Soccer Match 2/28/16 @ 6:30 & 7:30 v JAM (Lake Region High School)
- FSA Writing Assessment 2/28/16, all electronic devices should be collected or left at home.
- Unpacking Standards 3/1/17 (Optional)
- Into the Woods Jr. 3/2,3/3,3/4 Doors open @ 6:30 play starts at 7:00 p.m.
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