MM 10/9/17
Good evening staff, I am so proud of the consistency of standards based instruction occurring on campus. We will continue to support the staff here at JSA. We want to continue to push our students with love, support, and high expectations. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. We will continue to push positive change and high expectations for our students at JSA. Our video focuses on embracing change.

Academic Focus
STICKY Standards:
October 9-13 2-5 U2W1

2nd is introducing RL.2.5 the structure of narrative text, not limited to identification of beginning-middle-end events. Instruction should include questioning and tasks about how authors introduce narratives, develop the plot, and conclude the action.

3rd and 4th are both introducing RL1.2.
3rd has three targets: Recounting the text which requires retelling events in order and making inferences; determining a central message which is the lesson or insight a reader takes from a story; and explaining how the author revealed the central message through key details.
4th has two targets: Determining a theme, the universal idea the author started with before writing, through details interwoven in the text; and summarizing the story using the theme and details that support it. Because a true theme is interwoven and requires deeper text analysis, the cognitive complexity jumps to a Level 3 in 4th.

Middle School please see Mrs. Gainey's Notes.

Staff Spotlight 
Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Reynolds put on an excellent production of the stage read last week in the Multipurpose Room. I'm always amazed at how our staff is able to provide our students with a forum to showcase their tremendous talent. We are very grateful for the wonderful work our Theater Department produces annually. Hats' off to you ladies. This is a monologue from Open House.

Core Focus: Mrs. Ingram was doing a great job of providing hands on lesson with mathematics within the classroom. Allowing multiple students to provide explanations on how to solve mathematical solutions. Reviewing rules and short cuts to solving multiplying and dividing fractions. Students were highly engaged and on task.

Mrs. Williams conducted hands on lab to discuss physical and chemical change with lab utilizing vinegar, baking soda, balloons and carbon dioxide. Students were highly engaged and able to explain what happens when there is a chemical change; how does temperature affect change within a lab. Students are learning about science with hands on labs weekly. 

Behavior Update
Thank you for continuing to support our students at JSA. Middle School Instructors please make sure that we are tracking the amount of JAG bucks you give out to the students. Please make sure that we are marking the JAC cards online and on the physical cards. We want to continue to contact our parents with Positive Behavior as well. Make an effort to call at least one parent per day to give a positive comment about one of our students. 

NEW ITEM, NUT passes are only to be used on Fridays' that are purchased with JAG bucks students should be in uniform Monday - Thursday, unless it is a reward.

Builders' Club 10/9/17, @ 3:15 p.m.
Science Coaches' Meeting 10/9/17 All Day ( K. Reddick)
Boys' Basketball Tryouts @ NE Rec Center 10/9/17 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. Coach Richardson
Principals' Meeting JMPDC @ 3:45 p.m. 10/9/17
Chic Fil A Spirit Night @ 5 - 8 p.m. Cypress Gardens
SAO Training 10/11/17 All Day 
PLC 10/12/17 (Teacher Workroom All grade levels)
Spirit Day Friday, JAG Bucks NUT PASS Allowed.


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