Michael's Memo 3/12/18

MM 3/12/18
Good evening, we are counting down our instructional days until we complete our assessments. We need to make sure that we utilize our Module 3 assessments to shape our instruction moving forward. All grade levels have data to utilize in creating your small groups, III interventions, and pull out from Specials. We have saw wonderful improvements with out 6-8 grade STAR Data in ELA based upon incentives of Takis and Donuts. We are also looking for incentives for staff members. Extra planning period, substitute for duty, food, etc. Please provide suggestions to administration and we will outline our reward system. 

Weekly Focus
Classroom learning schedules breakdown:
bell work, transition,
introductory activity
transition, note taking
checking for understanding
independent work
collaborative structures
summarizing activity.

Classroom structure will assist in classroom management and keeping students on task.

C.H.A.M.P. out the classroom in order to maintain proper volume, movement, activities, and work expectations. 

Accountable talk within the classroom. Guiding student interaction by assigning roles when having collaborative structures. Speaker/Note Taker/Time keeper. 2nd suggestion Longest hair speak first, shortest shares out on second question. Avoids students sitting and allowing eager students from answering questions repeatedly.

Behavioral Expectation
Staff must be at the door during transitions to provide supervision.
Staff members from Elementary grades must accompany students to car rider/bus area. (Please remain until administrator or staff on duty arrives). If you have any questions contact Mrs. Sweet.
Continue to provide positive praise for students that are on task and giving their best effort. 
Address classroom issues within the classroom. If a situation occurs, please make sure to contact students.
Refrain from sending students to the front office to fill out an incident report. If it is a serious situation (fight, throwing furniture, profanity towards a staff member, lewd images, refusal to turn in electronic device), buzz office for an administrator. 
We set the climate and culture for our school. 
Equal treatment for ALL students. 
Treat all students with respect at JSA. We owe that to ALL of OUR students. 

Faculty Meeting Monday 3/12/18 @ 3:20 in JSA Media Center. 
Important information and training for meeting
Tuesday SAC Meeting 7:30 a.m. Teacher Workroom 3/13/18
Portfolio Night 5 - 6:30 p.m. JSA Cafe and Hallways 3/13/18
Spirit Night Chic Fil A 5 - 8:00 p.m.
WH Chamber Education Committee 8:15 Chamber Building (Principal)
SBLT Meeting Teacher Workroom 3:20 p.m.
PLC Thursday 3/15/18 (All Grade Levels)
Spirit Day 3/16/18


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